In March 2023, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) approved the restructuring of the “State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology”, with Trina Solar and Fudan University enlisted as its supporting entities. Formerly recognized as the “State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology”, the Laboratory gained approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology in February 2010 and successfully passed its acceptance inspection on November 3, 2013.

The Laboratory concentrates on investigating novel mechanisms for achieving high-efficiency photovoltaic conversion in crystalline silicon cells and advancing industrialization. It also delves into cutting-edge technologies aimed at realizing low-cost, high-efficiency perovskite cells, as well as key technologies necessary for the industrialization of ultra-high-efficiency gallium arsenide-based multi-junction cells. This research is intricately connected with the primary strategic requirements of national energy development. The objective is to comprehensively bolster the foundational, cutting-edge, and applied aspects of photovoltaic science and technology.

The Laboratory has assembled a team of proficient scientific and technological experts, encompassing both young and mid-career professionals alongside promising young technical talents. The team comprises over 200 permanent members, with more than 90% of scientific researchers holding doctoral and master's degrees, and over 80% of them are under the age of 45.

The Laboratory has undertaken over 35 national scientific research projects and has set 26 world records in both crystalline silicon cell efficiency and module power. It currently retains the world record for the efficiency of crystalline silicon cells such as PERC and TOPCon. Its perovskite crystalline silicon stacked solar cells boast industry-leading efficiencies. Its triple-junction gallium arsenide-based cell has pioneered new avenues in aerospace applications. Furthermore, the Laboratory’s provision of China’s first fully flexible gallium arsenide-based solar cell module has undergone successful rail testing, showcasing outstanding performance on the rails.

The Laboratory has garnered over 30 awards at provincial and ministerial levels. One of its notable technological advancements, high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells, clinched the second prize of the State Technological Innovation Award. With a publication record exceeding 600 papers, including four in prestigious journals such as Nature and Science in the realm of perovskite research, the Laboratory has made significant contributions to scholarly discourse. It boasts a substantial portfolio of over 400 invention patents and has secured more than 200 PCT and overseas patents. On behalf of Chinese PV organizations, it has pioneered the proposal of and issued international IEC standards.

Preparatory Period
The construction plan passed the feasibility demonstration
The State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology received approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China in early 2010. In June of that year, upon a compelling recommendation from the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the construction plan for the Laboratory garnered approval following a thorough review by the panel of experts from the Ministry of Science and Technology and rigorous on-site evaluation. Trina Solar was entrusted with the construction of the Laboratory.
The Ministry of Science and Technology approved the commencement of preparatory work for laboratory construction
In December 2010, the Ministry of Science and Technology granted approval for the establishment of the “State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology”, with Trina Solar, headquartered in Changzhou, designated as the executing entity. This marked the inaugural approval of a state key laboratory for PV science and technology by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Development Period
The inauguration ceremony for the State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology building took place
On May 18, 2012, Trina Solar held the inauguration ceremony for the State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology at its headquarters in Changzhou. This laboratory stands as one of the pioneering state-level key laboratories in China.
The Laboratory passed the acceptance inspection conducted by the Ministry of Science and Technology
On November 4, 2013, the “State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology”, along with several other laboratories,successfully passed the acceptance inspection conducted by the Ministry of Science and Technology, marking that a series of software and hardware construction and scientific and technological achievements of the laboratory have been highly recognized by the industry.
The annual meeting of the State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology was convened at Trina Solar’s headquarters in Changzhou
The State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology convened its annual meeting on May 26-27, 2016, hosted at Trina Solar’s headquarter in Changzhou. The event drew over twenty prominent PV industry experts and scholars from various corners of the globe, including Australia, Germany, the United States, and Japan. They delivered speeches and exchanged insights on the latest research findings covering diverse topics such as PV cell and module technology, industry macro development, and PV applications.
62 laboratories, including the State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology, received a rating of “good” by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
In June 2018, the Ministry of Science and Technology conducted assessments on 99 state key laboratories (hereinafter referred to as laboratories) affiliated with selected enterprises, in accordance with the Interim Measures for the Administration of State Key Laboratories Constructed on the Basis of Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Ji [2012] No. 716). Among them, 62 laboratories, including the State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology, received a rating of “good”.
Improvement Period
The Laboratory’s restructuring received approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology, followed by an inauguration ceremony
On February 11, 2022, the General Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology issued the Notice on Implementing the , marking the official commencement of the optimization and restructuring of key laboratories nationwide. In March 2023, the “National Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology” underwent successful restructuring, emerging as a pivotal contributor to advancing China’s scientific and technological strategy.
The Laboratory held its first academic forum following its restructuring
On January 11, 2024, the State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology hosted its inaugural academic forum following its restructuring. Distinguished experts in photovoltaics from both domestic and international universities and companies were invited to present their reports. This event signifies a significant milestone in the Laboratory’s endeavors to bolster collaboration and dialogue, infusing fresh vigor into its culture of open innovation.